All-Inclusive, Comprehensive Cleaning Services

Our house deep cleaning services are specially designed to help homeowners achieve a more comprehensive and holistic clean to their homes. We’ll get under every nook and behind every cranny to ensure every hard-to-reach place is thoroughly cleaned.

Kitchen Cleaning

  • Dusting all visible surfaces
  • Wiping down cabinets and appliances
  • Thorough cleaning of floor surfaces

Bathroom Cleaning

  • Washing and sanitizing sinks, tubs, showers, and toilets
  • Wiping down mirrors
  • Thorough cleaning of floor surfaces

Bedroom Cleaning

  • Dusting all visible surfaces
  • Making the beds
  • Thorough cleaning of floor surfaces

Living Room Cleaning

  • Dusting all visible surfaces
  • Wiping down cabinets
  • Thorough cleaning of floor surfaces

The benefits of our house deep cleaning services.

1. Destruction of viruses and bacteria

Dirty spaces in your home are breeding grounds for nasty viruses and bacteria. The longer you go without having these places cleaned, the higher the chance something potentially dangerous is brewing. Yuck! At Room 413, our team gets to the root of these issues by targeting problem areas remove harmful particles while preventing new ones from growing.

2. Improvement of indoor air quality

Even with a high-quality indoor filtration system, your home’s air quality is still compromised by dust, dirt, allergens, and other contaminants when you go too long without a deep clean. Get rid of these pollutants altogether to improve you and your family’s health through our comprehensive, deep cleaning services.

3. Decreased stress and anxiety

Say goodbye to restless nights with no escape from worries about your home’s cleanliness. With a deep house cleaning from Room 413, you’ll have fewer concerns about bacteria and virus growth, indoor air quality, and the overall state of your home. You’ll find yourself sleeping much more soundly once our team is done.

4. Fewer allergy symptoms

Allergens aren’t just an issue outside. These pesky pollutants make their way into the home on clothing, through open windows, and on our furry friends. At Room413, our in-depth deep house cleaning services are designed to tackle dust mites, pet dander, pollen, and other allergens so you and your family can live more comfortably with fewer allergy symptoms

5. Keep pests away.

Bugs, rodents, and other vermin are more likely to enter into homes that aren’t well-kept or regularly cleaned. Surface-level cleaning helps deter these pests, but a deep home cleaning from Room413 can help act as an extra layer of defense or deterrence against these nasty pests.

6. Better-looking home.

Let’s be honest - every homeowner takes pride in a clean home. Whether you’re having family over for a holiday, hosting friends for dinner, or just having guests stop by the home, you want everything to look as pristine as possible. With Room413’s deep house clean, you can achieve that aesthetically pleasing and in-depth clean you want.

Ready to have your home cleaned from baseboards to the ceiling? You’re in the right place! Contact us today to schedule an appointment or to learn more about our services